C1 Chop Saw – West Africa  Jumper Connector Recovery

Case Study

Project Overview: Jumper Connector Recovery

Location: West Africa 

Client: Total Energies, Republic of Congo, Gulf of Guinea

Decom Engineering provided specialized equipment and technical support for the cutting operation of a subsea jumper connector recovery project in West Africa. The scope of work involved cutting the insulated 6″ Duplex flowline at each end of the jumper, situated at a water depth of 1050m. The cutting operation was executed using a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) deployment method, employing Hotstabs for connection. The average cut time per cable was approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, with each blade capable of making a single precise cut.

Solution Provided

Decom Engineering delivered a comprehensive equipment and service solution tailored to the project requirements. The solution included:

  • C1-24 Chop Saw: Deployed to execute precise and efficient cuts in challenging subsea conditions, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Remote Technical Support: Remote technical support was provided throughout the operation to guide and assist in the cutting process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • Additional Services: The project also involved the provision of a Hotstab Package and an Independent Clamping System, enhancing operational efficiency and safety.

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